This article is about how we go about summerizing our houseboat after a long winter nap. Before we launch it we recommend looking at the bottom of the boat and the sterndrive(s). We look for cracks in the hull or any sign of oil leakage coming from the sterndrives and if any of these problems are discovered this is serious you will need to contact a reliable marine repair shop and have them check into it and make their estimate of the problem and what needs to be done to repair it. Next climb in the engine compartment and look at the engine(s) for any sign of leakage of oil, gasoline. Check to make sure all the plugs are back in properly that you took out in the winter to drain the water. Make sure the batteries are fully charged and in good condition and make sure the connections are tight. Look at the condition of all anodes, which are usually made of zinc, on the boat to see if they need replacing, these help with electrolysis from the water so your sterndrive(s) are not consumed. We would now hookup a flushing device and start the engine(s) and check to see if there are any oil leaks or water leaks. If OK, we then launch our boat into the water and park it into our assigned slip at the dock and then do a final check to make sure everything sounds OK and there are no leaks.
Once at the dock we plug into the electricity and make sure all outlets, lights, refrigerator, air conditioning( if equipped) are working fine. We then fill our water holding tank or if capable hookup directly to water hose, and flush out all the water lines that should have antifreeze in them from storing it, and make sure the water pressure is fine and none of the water lines are leaking anywhere.
Now it is time to stock the refrigerator and get ready to enjoy a fun and relaxing summer season.
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