After we discovered that cruising north up the Mississippi River wasn't a good idea we decided to cruise south to one of our favorite cruise stops and went to McGregor IA, and stopped at the Old Man River Restaraunt and Brewery. They are famous for their micro brews and we needed to fill our growlers. The food is great and well worth the trip. We had our gowlers filled with our favorites, Dunkel and Weizen, and this time we were able to sample the Helles brand which is a light wheat beer, it was very good. We ordered a growler of Helles also and we discovered the brewery had changed it's logo. It is now known as BackPocket Brewery instead of the original name Einfach.

We discovered that Old Man River had to change it's brand name from it's famous Einfach Bier to Backpocket Bier because of some copyright issues from someone else already using that brand name. The best and most important part of it all is that their beer is still very high quality and great tasting.
The story behind Backpocket Bier goes; The truth is, you can tell a lot about a man by what he keeps in his back pocket; a useful pocketknife, a lucky coin, a worn out photo from an old love that has never died. Whatever it is, even if it wound up there by accident, there's a story behind it. A story that probably won't come out until you're in the right place, talking to the right people, with the right beer in hand. German-inspired and hand-crafted right here in Iowa, there's a Backpocket Beer perfect for every person, every occasion and most importantly, every story.The next time you are cruising on the Mississippi River be sure to stop at McGregor,IA and visit the Old Man River Restaraunt and Brewery, you won't be disappointed.